Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Jallikattu- the bull fight

Jallikattu - ஜல்லிகட்டு is a bull taming sport played in Tamil Nadu . Although it sounds similar to the Spanish running of the bulls, it is quite different. In Jallikattu, the bull is not killed and the 'matadors' are not supposed to use any weapon.In fact Jallikattu is loaded against the matadors, unlike in European bullfighting. For instance, the bull's horns are sharpened and the matador cannot use any weapons. It is held in the villages of Tamil Nadu on the eve of Mattu Pongal, one of the four days of Pongal festival (usually January 15 on the Western calendar). In Jallikattu, an agitated bull is set to run in an open space. Several people, empty handed, try to tame it by controlling its horns. The winner gets a prize, which is generally tied to the horns of the bull. Only men take part in this game. The village farmers take this game as a display of their masculine strength. Betting is also common during the game.The event has fascinated movie makers for decades.
The acrylic painting is a depiction of one such event.

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